Gala Tent UK

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Thank you for reacting to my email so promptly and dealing with our problem so efficiently.

Dear Michaela, a quick note to say many thanks; very helpful ;)

Why choose Gala tent? Well why Not? If its quality at an affordable price you are after, then you would be a fool not to choose a Gala Tent. Granted there are cheaper and more Affordable tents out there, but do you get the quality? NO! Do you get Durability? NO! Do you get a tent that will stand the test of Time? NO! All this I can say confidently, up until we discovered Gala Tent we must have spent a small fortune on Gazebos, all of which ended up in the Bin, and why was this you may ask? Simple answer is, they were not up to the job. With a Gala Tent, you do not have that worry, the design, the ease of assembly, and most importantly, with a Gala Tent you can buy replacement parts, just ask yourself if this can be said for cheaper versions sold in local outlets, the answer will simply be NO! and you will have to buy a complete new setup. When you first take delivery of your Gala Tent, with it’s many parts you will probably think what the heck, but do not dismay they are very simple to put up, so simple infact my 5 year old grandson knows where the parts go. How long does it take to put up you may ask? Simple, as long as you want to take in putting it up, personally we can put our 6m x 3m tent quicker than we could our 20ft x 4ft market stall, once you have assembled the roof bars the rest is plain sailing, I have read in some of the reviews about the retaining nut on the roof bars breaking, this is a minor glitch, if a glitch at all, as when the top cover is put on, it holds all the roof bars in place and it is going nowhere, so one could ask, are they needed at all? As for durability, you could not ask for better than a Gala Tent, theses tents really do withstand the elements, ours has stood the test of time in winds of up to 80 mph and never faltered and at this point I will say if you are investing in a Gala Tent, make sure you purchase the ground bars as well, as these make an already sound structure in to an even solider frame, trust me when I say that, has we have recently added the ground bars to our 6m x 3m and I am confident when I say she is going nowhere, and I live where there is a right wind trap. If in the event anything should break, as I mentioned earlier, replacement parts are available and never once have I had a problem with customer services, any issues and they are only a phone call away, can you say that about the companies that supply leading retail chains with gazebo’s, I’ll let you answer that one yourself. So all in all if you want to buy right first time and save yourself some money. Buy a Gala Tent.

Here is a video to show how good the Gala Tent is.

Thank you for the aftercare Michaela. That's a really good service, tell your boss! RegardsSheila

We now have three Gala Tents each with heaters lighting and flooring all direct from Gala Tent. I am extremely satisfied with the high levels of service both during and after sale. The products are very high quality and easy to use. Great work!

Michaela, Thank you for your help! Perfect and if I have any other issues with the lights will let u know. They look really good quality. Thanks for your help. Julie

Thank you for your help over the past week.Sally

Dear Michaela
Just a short note to thank you The part you sent me was correctAnd I was able to fix my gazeboReally appreciate your prompt help

Hi Jason and Kitty
I just wanted to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to you for the support, which you gave to the young people who recently volunteered to attend the ‘Get Ready’ preparation for work programme. Your contribution to the session on Effective Communication, CV Writing and sharing your experience was absolutely invaluable to the young people. Thank you also Jason for loaning and erecting the marquee, this was something, which we definitely couldn’t have done without your support! After repaying their initial loan of £150 the young people raised a total profit of £568.14 for Rotherham Cancer Care Centre, this was a great achievement not just for the young people but for everyone who was involved in the project.
Thank you once again for your support, it is much appreciated

Hi Michaela
Really appreciate the help - great to know there's good personal after sales service!
Hopefully our business looks like it'll pick up over summer so we'll be sure to use you again.

Hi Gala
Many thanks ordered tent Thursday arrived Friday just as stated if marquee is as good up as your service i will be most impressed.

I asked for a fire certificate for my goods and was sent a copy within 15 minutes of sending the email. what prompt service from your customer service team, many thanks.

The Pro MX arrived today and certainly from first impressions the difference from the Compact is like chalk and cheese. This is the sort of quality I was expecting so it is a relief that it looks every bit as good as I was hoping for, the frame is impressively heavy duty and really nicely put together, lovely neat stitching, everything lines up and fits perfectly and it's looks really impressive and professional, so just the ticket.

Dear Gala Tents,
You may remember that earlier in the year you kindly donated to us a 4x4m tent for a school with refugees in Burkina Faso, Africa? Also you donated a lot of canvas and pieces of tents.We promised to send some pictures, and here they are. I know it is quite a while since you gave the tent - I led the group out in Nov which took the tent to the place where it was going. We used the tent in couple different locations, as you can probably see in the pictures. We first set it up at a newly established school in a very poor slum area. This school doesn't have enough classrooms for the children that come, and they were keen to see how the tent was, to see if it could be used to provide a cheaper alternative to building.This school has an out-post school far out in the countryside where children who don't go to any other school gather each evening to learn to read and write. We ended up leaving the tent there, as the ram-shackle structure they had for teaching the children in before was really far from ideal. They were absolutely delighted with the tent, which was a talking point in the whole community. No-one had ever seen anything like it before! It doubled the space they had for teaching the children in and made it far more prestigious to go to this school than before. It was a proper school! now!If you ever have seconds or unwanted tents (especially larger ones) in the future that you would be willing to donate to Africa, please do let us know. We would be very grateful to have them and they would certainly be appreciated over there. We send containers over to Burkina Faso to supply our schools and also local hospitals several times a year, so there is no problem in getting the tents to the destination.Feel free to be in touch if you want more details.
thank you once again for your kind donation. Click here to see my review

The marquee from Gala Tent Ltd is fantastic, well manufactured and easy to assemble. The staff who dealt with me regarding this win were very friendly and professional. A lovely experience all round. Thank you once again.